18 November 2014

How to Make Cream Eyeshadow With Eye Drops Part 2

Yesterday, I started the first post in this week's series of DIY cream eyeshadow recipes.  It used a lotion as a premade base for the color.  This one is similar, but it uses eye drops as the base.  They are sterile and safe near the eyes.

I'll feature two more recipes this week, so be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you want to read them all.

How to Make Cream Eyeshadow With Eyedrops

Links in this post may be affiliate links, which means that I earn a small commission from sales.

What You Need


  1. Add your eyeshadow powder to the container.  If you want to combine eyeshadows, mix them well now.  Break up any chunks so it is a smooth powder.
  2. Add eye drops one drop at a time until all of the powder is mixed.  I used a cotton swab to mix it.


I'm just not liking this recipe.  It's very lumpy, as you can see in the photo above.  No amount of stirring would get rid of the lumps, unfortunately.

It's also very, very thin and watery.  I had high hopes for this because it is easy, but I just can't recommend this cream eyeshadow recipe to my followers.  While it will work as a shadow -- if I can work around the lumps -- I won't ever make it again. #fail

Be sure to come back tomorrow when I'll show you a really nice cream eyeshadow recipe with shea butter and oils that your skin will love.