One reason that I love making soap is that there are so many ways to customize it and make unique bars. I normally post melt and pour soap recipes because I just don't have the ingredients and equipment for traditional soap, but it's on my summer bucket list to make more real lye soap.
If you're new to making handmade soap, I suggest reading this blog post on a beginner's guide to making cold process soap. Or try one of these books
Watermelon Soap Recipe - This soap recipe uses watermelon powder for it's properties and beautiful color.
Herb Infused Soap - Learn about different herbs that you can use to infuse oils for different skin properties.
Coconut Milk Soap - The coconut milk in this soap recipe is very moisturizing, so it's a good bar to make for dry skin or summer.
Hot Process Tangerine Cocoa Oatmeal Calendula Soap - Calendula and oatmeal are wonderful for sensitive skin.
Loofah Soap - Make this loofah soap to exfoliate your skin with each shower.
Goat's Milk Soap - This is a great beginner recipe if you're new to soap making.
Sea Salt Shampoo Bar - Why not try making a bar just for your hair? The sea salt will get your skin super soft.
Tomato Basil Soap Recipe - This soap uses essential oils and tomato juice.
Apple Donut Soaps - Why does soap have to be in a rectangle mold?
Honey Bastille Soap - This is great for sensitive skin, babies, and children.
Bastille Soap Recipe - This gentle bastille soap is great for sensitive skin.
If you're not quite ready to jump into making your own soap, there are several shops on Etsy that sell handmade soaps. Or you can try melt and pour soap, which is easier to make and doesn't need as much equipment.